31.8.2015 (一Mon)
7-8pm 尚餘少量門票 Limited Tickets ONLY 通利演藝廳 Tom Lee Academy Hall 九龍灣宏照道38號 Mega Box 12樓 12/F, MegaBox, 38 Wang Chiu Road, Kowloon Bay 綵排曲目Rehearsal Repertoire: 1. 《行星組曲》木星 The Planets : Jupiter 2. 《卡門組曲》第四樂章 《波希米亞舞曲》 Carmen Suite: IV Danse Boheme 導賞 Guided By: 陳中豪先生 Mr Jeffrey Chan (音樂總監 Music Director) |
免費門票可於以下通利琴行管樂部免費索取 (每人限取2張),數量有限,派完即止。
Limited Free tickets for Masterclass are available at the Orchestral Instrument Section of following Tom Lee Music stores (2 tickets per person), first-come, first-served.
尖沙咀總陳列室 Tsimshatsui Main Showroom 2723 9932
灣仔總陳列室 Wan Chai City Centre Building 2519 0238
九龍灣分行 Kowloon Bay MegaBox 2758 7738
Limited Free tickets for Masterclass are available at the Orchestral Instrument Section of following Tom Lee Music stores (2 tickets per person), first-come, first-served.
尖沙咀總陳列室 Tsimshatsui Main Showroom 2723 9932
灣仔總陳列室 Wan Chai City Centre Building 2519 0238
九龍灣分行 Kowloon Bay MegaBox 2758 7738