La Sax 於2019年9月至2020年1月期間獲香港藝術發展局支持及邀請,參與第三屆「賽馬會藝壇新勢力」,為香港社區呈獻一系列音樂演出及社區活動,為社會各界帶來創意、水準與本土色彩兼並的藝術體驗。
Thanks to the support of the Hong Kong Arts Development Council (HKADC), La Sax was invited to be the only music group of the 3rd JOCKEY CLUB New Arts Power 2019 Festival which took place in Hong Kong from September 2019 to January 2020. Programmes include a series of community workshops and collaborations, outreach performances and indoor showcases.
Visit JCNAP programme website:
Media Session @ TaiKwun
Indoor Public Concerts
繼前作《動物嘉年華》大獲好評,La Sax再來玩轉色士「瘋」!十位色士風樂手化身為奇趣可愛的動物,因小誤會大戰七七四十九個回合,幸而遇上「劇院管理員」Harry 哥哥出手,施展神奇魔法居中調解。在跳躍的音符之間,連串笑彈一觸即發,小心笑破肚皮!
Riding on the resounding success of the last production Saxo Carnival of the Animals, La Sax teamed up with the acclaimed Hong Kong magician and children entertainer Harry Wong, casting as the “theatre manager”, to take audience on a spectacular musical parade of the “animals” by La Sax, amazing magic and toe-tapping fun. Interspersed between lively musical notes are explosions of laughters. Musical selections included classical, jazz and modern pieces, plus a few familiar tunes, a little magic tricks and time for exciting audience engagement.
Riding on the resounding success of the last production Saxo Carnival of the Animals, La Sax teamed up with the acclaimed Hong Kong magician and children entertainer Harry Wong, casting as the “theatre manager”, to take audience on a spectacular musical parade of the “animals” by La Sax, amazing magic and toe-tapping fun. Interspersed between lively musical notes are explosions of laughters. Musical selections included classical, jazz and modern pieces, plus a few familiar tunes, a little magic tricks and time for exciting audience engagement.
Sheung Wan Civic Centre, Theatre 2019.10.11 (Fri) 8pm, 2019.10.12 (Sat) 8pm |
Tsuen Wan Civic Centre, Cultural Activities Hall 2019.10.19 (Sat) 8pm, 2019.10.20 (Sun) 3pm |
Ngau Chi Wan Civic Centre, Theatre 2019.11.09 (Sat) 8pm, 2019.11.10 (Sun) 3pm (Sold Out) |
場公開綵排 (學校專場)
Open Rehearsals (School Shows)
Tailor-made for primary school students, the Programme is a unique, fun and interactive education expereince to nurture students' interest in the appreciation of the saxophones, music and theatre arts. There are more than 15 schools participated in the Programme.
Tailor-made for primary school students, the Programme is a unique, fun and interactive education expereince to nurture students' interest in the appreciation of the saxophones, music and theatre arts. There are more than 15 schools participated in the Programme.
Kindergarten Workshops
Members of La Sax brought along their costumes and instruments to local kindergartens. Fun activities include story-telling, music appreciation, music-making, and interacting with the musicians.
Members of La Sax brought along their costumes and instruments to local kindergartens. Fun activities include story-telling, music appreciation, music-making, and interacting with the musicians.
個社區團體合作 Community Collaborations
La Sax 分別與香港展能藝會及五十男樂團合作,為該團體成員提供12節色士風重奏工作坊,透過一連串合奏基礎訓練與實踐,加深學員對音樂演奏概念的認識。計劃完成後,學員與La Sax於大館及H6 Conet舉行了3場公開演出,展現其學習成果。
La Sax collaborated with the Arts with the Disabled Association and Men of WInds by offering 12 sessions of saxophone ensemble tranning workshops for their members. At the end of the Programme, participants were able to showcase their learning outcomes at 3 showcases in Tai Kwun and H6 Conet.
La Sax collaborated with the Arts with the Disabled Association and Men of WInds by offering 12 sessions of saxophone ensemble tranning workshops for their members. At the end of the Programme, participants were able to showcase their learning outcomes at 3 showcases in Tai Kwun and H6 Conet.
Community Concert
La Sax走入機場,召集一場環球音樂之旅,為色士風音樂添上前所未見的玩心與新意,全新演繹多位古今中外的著名作曲家經典作品,向Frederick Loewe、John Newton、James Myers、Glenn Miller、Zequinha de Abreu、Benny Andersson、Henry Mancini、久石讓、和泉宏隆等遙距致敬,乘著音符遊遍大半個地球。當中更穿插耳熟能詳的流行音樂和電視劇主題曲,為旅客們帶來非常地道的音樂體驗。
La Sax also appeared in the airport, taking travellers and passers-by on a tour of global music. Playful and innovative, La Sax’s performances offered unique interpretations of a selection of classic and contemporary pieces by the world’s eminent musicians, paying tribute to Frederick Loewe, John Newton, James Myers, Glenn Miller, Zequinha de Abreu, Benny Andersson, Henry Mancini, Joe Hisaishi, and Hirotaka Izumi. An assortment of memorable pop music and soap opera theme songs as well, they added a dash of local flavour to the authentic experience that travellers would enjoy.
La Sax also appeared in the airport, taking travellers and passers-by on a tour of global music. Playful and innovative, La Sax’s performances offered unique interpretations of a selection of classic and contemporary pieces by the world’s eminent musicians, paying tribute to Frederick Loewe, John Newton, James Myers, Glenn Miller, Zequinha de Abreu, Benny Andersson, Henry Mancini, Joe Hisaishi, and Hirotaka Izumi. An assortment of memorable pop music and soap opera theme songs as well, they added a dash of local flavour to the authentic experience that travellers would enjoy.
Publications by HKADC
場刊 House Programme |
導賞手冊 Education Kit |
節目簡介 Programme Leaflet |